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Give your room the proper treatment with our custom designed sound absorbing panels of the highest quality.

Beautiful and functional eye-catching acoustic panels, available in any size, for any interior

Mylo provides you with high quality acoustic panels that absorb just the right amount of ambient audio, limiting reverb and giving you a clean, relaxing, uncluttered atmosphere that allows you to get a perfect focus on what really matters.

Multi-layered quality

We use several layers of material, making sure that we block most frequencies from bouncing back to the room. Depending on your needs and situation, you can choose to have your panels made with either one, two or three layers of material. Want to know what these different layers do and what the results are?

Premium results and designs

Through deep practical testing of each material individually and in combination with other materials, we were able to produce acoustic panels that are efficient, customizable and affordable. The ideal panels for homes, rooms, restaurants, theaters, studios, meeting rooms, and any possible room where sound matters. Be sure to click on “read more” to learn about our testing process.


Every room is different. And so is every client. Online customization offers a vast array of options, but even then, we are available for any type of extra customizing, designing and measuring. From different shapes, special measurements, full-wall solutions, to special prints and fabrics. We are here to help. We are happy to share with you the available customization options.

Made with love

It seems to be a universal constant that people who work with audio or acoustic equipment have a love for music and sound quality that is almost immeasurable. Our desire to start working in the field of acoustic improvement came from a strong passion for music and a need to do some improvements in our own recording studios. Let us share our story with you.

Because sound matters

We keep repeating it and saying it wherever we go, but it is a fact. Sound matters! Whether it is to hear the performance of a live musician, the recording of your favorite album, the speaker in a meeting room, your friends around the dinner table or the silence of the library, sound simply matters. And since you are reading this, we are sure that you agree. Click on “read more” to get to know how premium sound can make a difference in your situation.

Want to improve the acoustics in your office? This is possible with our custom-made panels. Includes a print of your choice. Ideal for your desk, meeting room, waiting room or practice.

Perfect for your dental or doctor’s office, law firm, notary office, entrance hall, lobby, and any other space where sound needs to be improved.
But our panels also come in handy in restaurants and other catering establishments. Ensure that your customers can enjoy optimal acoustics and eliminate all disturbing aspects.
All customization is possible.

Contact us!

We would love to hear from you
and work with you.

Mylo Inc. BV
Koewachtsteenweg 28
9180 Moerbeke

+32 3 808 30 30
